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Giving Back: Simple Solutions in Conservation

Posted in: News

Tags: REC, Rewards


You’ve given us so much. Your time, your attention, your undying support. Year after year, Safari West thrives because of you. Thanks to you, we’re able to keep pushing out our message of wonder and hope. Thanks to you, each year, more of us learn how we can do something to protect and defend this wonderful planet and all the beautiful creatures we share it with.

That’s why we’re introducing the Simple Solutions Project. This campaign is simple. We know that you’re out there, leading by example, taking small steps each day to make the world a little better, and we want to thank you for it.

The staff of the Safari West Research, Education, and Conservation Department has been armed with a very special certificate; one which grants the recipient a completely free Behind-the-scenes experience here at Safari West. All you need to do to qualify for this certificate is what so many of you are doing already.

Keep bringing your reusable cup or thermos to the café. Keep riding your bike to work. Keep asking where your food came from or how it was made. In short, keep taking those small, simple, sustainable steps that lead toward an improved world. If one of our REC members catches you leading by example, we’ll present you, not just with a certificate, but with our thanks.

Simple steps can change the world, and leaders like you will light the way. Thank you.