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Earth Day to Remember

An Earth Day for the Ages!

Posted in: Conservation, Goings on

Tags: Earth Day


Earth Day 2017 certainly turned out to be one for the record books. Across the nation, concerned citizens and scientists of all stripes came together to March for Science. At the same time, scientifically-minded institutions like those of us in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) put on our own series of unique Earth Day events.

Here at Safari West, our Earth Day Extravaganza was a remarkable success. We sold out for the event and nature came through for us as well, taking a break from the rain to give us a bright, sunshiny day. The Nairobi minibus stayed busy, making continuous laps around the property, taking our Earth Day guests out to visit the rhinos and antelopes and giraffe who were out and about, enjoying the springtime sun.

The Savannah Café was abuzz with activity as our visitors enjoyed a specially prepared meal focused on locally-sourced and sustainably-produced foods. All around the café, the environmentally focused activities continued with the Junior Keepers displaying sustainability-driven toys and activities and the State Parks joining us for the day with a full table-display about the local flora and fauna of Sonoma County.

We also featured a new exhibit this year; one focused on the native Pomo people. Staff member Angelina Logan—an affiliate of the tribe—taught us all about how the Pomo interact with the natural environment in productive and sustainable ways.

It was an incredible event and one which we are already looking forward to replicating and improving on next year. If you missed it this time, mark your calendars now and we’ll see you next April at the Safari West Earth Day Extravaganza!