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It’s a Boy! Safari West Welcomes a Baby Patas Monkey

Posted in: Baby Animals, News


Welcome to the Safari West family little patas monkey!

Patas Monkey
Photo by keeper Xana Luehs

Proud parents Izzie and Maurice welcomed a brand new baby into the world in early September. The tiny primate arrived hale and hearty and both he and his mother are doing great.

You may notice, the little fellow doesn’t look exactly like his parents. While they’re a golden tan color, his fur is much darker. The prevailing theory is that this helps both mother and child with camouflage. While we think of monkeys as living primarily in trees, patas monkeys actually spend most of their time on the ground, foraging in the grasslands. Among those dry stalks that tan color blends in beautifully. It’ll be a while before the new baby is foraging on his own, so in the meantime, he’ll cling to his mother, dangling dark-furred and quiet in the shadow cast by her body.

While patas monkeys are common in the wilds of sub-saharan Africa, they are rare in American zoos. In fact, this birth brings the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) population to 75! This human managed population provides a great service to their wild cousins by allowing us to more diligently study their biology and behaviors. This new baby, like his parents before him, gives us a huge opportunity to learn more about the wild animals and places we share the world with.

Happy Birthday baby patas monkey!

13 thoughts on “It’s a Boy! Safari West Welcomes a Baby Patas Monkey

  1. On my tour 9/14, I was privileged to see Izzie’s baby at 5 days old. Amazing! And such an amazing place – Safari West

  2. Awe so cute! So was she pregnant when we were there during the end of July (not sure of the gestational period)?

  3. That little guy was so cute when I was there. Momma let him go and he came over to the fence where we were standing and kinda posed for us. Got some great pictures of him. When are you gonna name him?

  4. Great news!!!!!! Couldn’t get any cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Safari West does such a great job! LOVE taking the “safari”!!!!!

  5. Welcome to the world, baby! Congratulations to Izzie, Maurice, and the staff at Safari West. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  6. Thank you for the picture of this baby monkey! We can’t wait to spend the weekend and celebrate our grandsons 6th birthday at the park. I was told you have a new baby giraffe.

  7. Can’t wait to see this lovely family on October 8th. Will be meeting family from the Bay Area who will bring some great kids to see this wonderful blessed event.

  8. Thank you so much for the picture of Baby patas monkey. Very interesting that they live mostly on the ground.

  9. What a cutie! Congrats to the parents and all the foster parent/handlers. We enjoyed our overnight stay at Safari West and know the animals are in good hands. Enjoy watching him grow and develop. Have fun picking out a nice name for that handsome little boy…

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