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Author: Mark Pressler

What is enrichment?

Enrichment! What is it? The quick answer: novel stimulus. Behavioral enrichment comes from the understanding and acceptance that, for both pets at home and animals in zoos, these are animals that are...

June 10, 2024 by Mark Pressler

Conservation Success in the Sahara!

In April, Safari West welcomed two new baby scimitar-horned oryx to our herd! These births come at a time when this special antelope is in the global spotlight—recent successes in...

June 10, 2024 by Mark Pressler

Lessons from Rhino Conservation

As we celebrate the first year of Otto’s life, I can’t help but think about young rhinos across the world. It’s no secret that rhinos are struggling in the wild—rhino...

April 24, 2024 by Mark Pressler

The Incredible Story of the Laysan Duck

People usually come to Safari West to see the showstoppers—giraffes, rhinos, cheetahs, or zebras. While these are all incredible animals, one lesson we try to teach on our tours is...

March 18, 2024 by Mark Pressler

Nonprofit veterinary dentists visit Safari West!

Learn about the team of veterinary dentists that visited Safari West to provide dental care for our male Patas Monkey Maurice, as well as a few other...

September 19, 2023 by Mark Pressler

Community Shoutout: International Bird Rescue

We stand in a loose half-circle around the open door of a carrier crate that was probably designed for a large dog. It is a beautiful, sunny day in the...

September 6, 2023 by Mark Pressler

It is National Zookeeper Week!

We are so lucky to have a dedicated group of animal caregivers that work endlessly to provide the best possible lives for the animals that call Safari West home. Through...

July 21, 2023 by Mark Pressler

Canada Goose: Friend or Foe?

The Canada goose is a well-known presence across Sonoma County, and often has a poor reputation on golf courses and in parks. But is there more to this assertive bird...

June 8, 2023 by Mark Pressler

Rhino Pregnancy Announcement

Safari West is delighted to announce the pregnancy of our Southern white rhinoceros! This historic birth will be the first calf of Eesha, our female rhino, and the first rhinoceros...

March 31, 2023 by Mark Pressler