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Category: News

Thank You to all who supported Stars of the Sonoma Serengeti!

Safari West Wildlife Foundation’s Annual Fundraiser Stars of the Sonoma Serengeti Where Children and Animals Shine their Brightest Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your invaluable help in making this wild...

March 30, 2022 by Safari West Staff

Hog Wild for Hoglets!

What’s brown, bald with four tiny, tufted tails? You guessed it – 4 warthog babies! We are thrilled to announce the birth of four bouncing baby warthog piglets, or as we...

April 30, 2022 by Safari West Staff

New Digs for our Warthogs

Welcome to Our Warthog Housewarming! They don’t get the attention that many of our other residents enjoy, but the warthogs at Safari West have always been some of our favorite creatures. So,...

March 4, 2022 by Safari West Staff

Games On…Deebo is his name!

There is so much to be thankful for. Let us welcome Deebo the giraffe! On October 6th, Safari West welcomed a brand new baby giraffe born here on the Sonoma Serengeti....

November 17, 2021 by Safari West Staff

Featured on ABC 7 Bay Area

A huge thank you to our friends over at ABC 7 Bay Area...

September 3, 2021 by Safari West Staff

His name is Ollie!

Thank you to everyone who participated in giving him his name! Welcome Ollie to our giraffe tower. On February 13th, Safari West welcomed a brand new baby giraffe born here on...

February 25, 2021 by Safari West Staff

Kimberly Robertson Prepares Safari West for Future Fires

Safari West has always focused on wildlife conservation. Our mission and message center on protecting the wild creatures of the Earth. Usually, we mean protecting them in their native ranges,...

September 24, 2019 by Safari West Staff

His name is Obi!

The fans have spoken! Of the semi-finalists (Apollo, Kayode, Obi, Taki, Herbie, and Freckles), Obi won! Join us in welcoming Obi to our tower of giraffes, and after a month, he...

August 31, 2019 by Safari West Staff

Safari West Meets Big Data: a Win for Wildlife

A recent publication in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals a startling truth. We humans know a lot about ourselves, but shockingly little about the other...

June 21, 2019 by Jared Paddock